Saturday, September 20, 2014

Munzee Virtual Gardens

First official Munzee virtual garden in McKinney, TX
Over the past six months, there has been an explosion in the number of virtual gardens around the world. With the addition of the virtual mystery munzee and a rainbow of colors that can be applied to virtuals, some incredibly impressive works of geoart have been created. Just a few days ago, Munzee deployed the first "official" munzee garden using the new emerald virtual. This geoart is located just outside McKinney, TX and is not far from the new Munzee Marketplace. I was incredibly fortunate to get one of these (they sold out in less than an hour) and am very proud to have contributed to this historical garden (you can see my munzee in the letter n).

Flags in Copenhagen, Denmark
I'm not sure when the first munzee geoart was made, but the first one I contributed to was the flag project in Copenhagen. I travel to Copenhagen on occasion for business (and I'll eventually have a post about some of my geo-adventures there), so when this came up I felt compelled to help build the American flag. You can see from the picture that the American flag has about 60 spots for munzees, and required (obviously) red, white, and blue ones. When this started being built a few months ago, I had some regular virtual munzees, which are white, so I deployed one there. It appears as the grey munzee in the center white stripe of the flag.

Rubik's Cube in Budapest, Hungary
I have also deployed virtuals in a Rubik's Cube in Hungary, an American flag in TN, and in a few unfinished projects. There are also virtual fields that are more ad hoc in nature. These huge congregations of virtuals are placed haphazardly anywhere the user can find a space. These often become colorful explosions of virtuals, special munzees and regular greenies. If you want to try your hand at creating some munzee geoart, here is a good tool by Hinklenator (virtual grid generator)

US flag and partial TN flag near Franklin, TN
Here in San Diego, we recently had our first ad hoc virtual field appear, deployed in large part by H2OKLAN and Habu. You can see from the picture below that I have already captured about half of the munzees in this area (mainly mystery virtuals) and have deployed a bunch myself. This area of Fiesta Island is special to me because when I first started playing Munzee two years ago, there were very few munzees down here. I love the area and it is near SeaWorld, so I thought it might be a good place to start growing the map. For months, I would swing by here when I had time and deploy a few munzees. People would come cap them and deploy some more and then I would return to cap the new ones and so on. Eventually, the area exploded and is now the highest concentration of munzees in the greater San Diego area. It's great for me as well because I don't have to travel to LA as often to score points for the clan wars. I can't compete with the power players, who have come to dominate the area, but this is a great example of a situation where a few players (jayterho, patnanz, JOK, habu, and razztazzzz were also early deployers in the area) can have a big impact on growing the map.

San Diego's first major virtual cluster on Fiesta Island

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