Saturday, September 27, 2014

ALS Virtual Ice munzees

The ALS Virtual Ice icon

Anybody miss the ice bucket challenge videos yet? I confess I grew tired of those pretty quickly, but there is no denying that the viral campaign was hugely successful at raising money and awareness for ALS. Munzee had a successful campaign supporting Ronald McDonald House with the RMH Virtuals, and so they ran a similar campaign for ALS this month. Virtual Ice cubes appeared in the Munzee store in early September and for a few bucks you could buy four of them (with a significant donation to ALS). A player earned 32 points for the deploy and each cap split 32 points between the capper and deployer, so they were high point value munzees. Being a virtual, they could be placed anywhere in the world, and between these two factors, they became very popular. They were also included as prizes for the lower levels in the clan war this month, so there was also ample opportunity to win them.

Thousands of ALS Ice Cubes near McKinney, TX
I bought eight of them early on (and wond three in the clan war) and placed a couple in San Diego. The rest I sprinkled around the world at proven virtual hot spots... Cologne, Hamburg, London, and in a little town in Texas called McKinney. McKinney, of course, is the site of the big Octoberfest Munzee Bash, which is happening today. With hundreds of munzers coming together for beer and capping, these virtuals were almost guaranteed a ton of caps. I deployed early in the month, so my virtual ice is located pretty close to the site of the party. Clearly, others had the same idea, and soon it became the largest virtual ice field in the world!

As September comes to an end, it is clear the placements have paid off. Three of my ALS Virtual Ice munzees are in my top ten deployment list (one has 86 caps). I've scored almost 15,000 cap on points, have jumped 15 levels (to level 96 and counting), and cracked the top 2000 in the world (currently at 1892). I can't imagine what the cappers in McKinney are scoring! It's been a lot of fun watching the points roll in and there is no question that the ALS Ice have contributed greatly to individual scoring. I have to give major kudos to all of those at the Munzee Bash who capped my munzees!! I wish I could have been there!!! As the Virtual Ice melts away and the munzees disappear at the end of the month, I think it is safe to say that the ALS campaign was one of the most successful munzees yet!

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